My Psychiatrist’s Psychiatric Services
We provide expert evaluations by high-quality board-certified psychiatrists and clinicians will determine the best course of treatment for any mental health problems patients may be struggling with. If our patients are taking medication, My Psychiatrist offers psychiatric medication management. We monitor the effects of the medication and adjust them as needed.
At My Pyschiatrist’s psychiatric clinic, our board-certified psychiatrists and clinicians perform psychological assessments. These assessments include a series of tests using various techniques to determine theories about a person’s behavior, personality, and abilities. These thorough assessments enable our physicians to determine the best course of action for outpatient psychiatric care. Patients can walk-in or schedule appointments at My Psychiatrist’s psychiatric outpatient clinic.
At My Psychiatrist’s Miami, Hollywood, Oakland Park, Boca Raton, and Orlando outpatient mental health clinics, our providers offer individual psychotherapy services to treat a wide range of behavioral health issues. Our psychiatrists and clinicians work with each patient, during dedicated one-one-one time, to decide the best course of treatment to improve their emotional and mental health.
My Psychiatrist’s board-certified psychiatrists and clinicians consult with each other to determine expert treatment options for all our patients. Our psychiatric clinic providers also consult with our patients’’ other doctors to ensure treatment plans work together seamlessly.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
Adult & Geriatric

Talk to someone whenever you need.
Our team of board-certified psychiatrists and therapists are here for you when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, down, or just not like yourself.