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My Psychiatrist Blog

Here, you'll find a collection of articles focused on keeping you and your family informed.

5 Signs Wellbutrin is Working

Depression, along with various other mental health disorders, profoundly influences an individual’s daily life and overall well-being. Fortunately, treatm … Read More

Does Wellbutrin Help with Anxiety?

Medication plays a critical role in treating mental health conditions such as anxiety. Wellbutrin is one of the medications used to treat anxiety. However, the … Read More

What is Petulant BPD?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition with diverse subtypes, each presenting unique characteristics and challenges. One such subtyp … Read More

10 Tips for Choosing a Psychiatrist

Choosing to seek out professional help for your mental and emotional health can seem like a big decision. The first step is to find a psychiatrist that can prov … Read More

Advantages of Online Psychiatry

In the digital age, the field of psychiatry has embraced the advantages of technology, offering services that extend far beyond the traditional in-person sessio … Read More

How Long Do Anxiety Attacks Last?

While certain feelings uplift us, others deplete us. Anxiety may be extremely draining, as can the accompanying fear and worry, particularly if our concern is u … Read More
